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The One With The Prom Video



The dressing gown Monica was wearing is the same one worn by Carol in "The One Without The Ski Trip" (S3E17). Rachel was also seen wearing it in "The Pilot" (S1E1). Ross also wears it in "The One Where Old Yeller Dies".

This is the first appearance of Fat Monica. According to Matthew Perry, Courtney Cox was so well characterized in the fat suit that he passed right by her without recognizing her.

Although he's supposed to be about the same age as Monica, in reality Michael Ray Bower is 9 years younger than Courteney Cox. In fact he's younger than any of the main cast.

This is also the first appearance of Rachel with her deviated septum. Jennifer Aniston wore a prosthetic nose in the prom video scenes.

The commentary for the episode states that far more prom video scenes were shot than were used as it wasn't until editing that the current and past scenes were mixed.

Ross re-discovers the passion for playing his keyboard in "The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line" (S4E7).

Patrick Kerr, the actor who portrays the perverted restaurant manager with a salad fetish who interviews Monica, later appeared in an episode of Joey as a TV producer at an awards show. Whether or not the two characters portrayed by Kerr are the same person is unknown, but a possibility given the number of years that took place between the episodes.
 According to the commentary, he was a friend of Matt LeBlanc's having appeared in a movie together but was known to the Friends producers having appeared in one of their other shows.

Monica is informed that her old room will become the new Geller gym. Her room/gym can be seen in "The One With The Cuffs" (S4E3).

Ross and Rachel finally become a couple until they break up in "The One With The Morning After" (S3E16).

This episode is one of the few times you hear about the friendship between The Geller Family and The Greene Family. As Jack mentions that he was not surprised about Rachel's parents breaking up, even mentioning a Hawaii incident. This is a friendship never shown onscreen, and only mentioned a few times in the whole series. In fact, you never see Jack or Judy interact with Sandra or Leonard.

The scenes depicted in the prom video must take place between the 1987 and 1988 Thanksgivings as Rachel is still with Chip in the 1987 Thanksgiving scene but isn't in the 1988 Thanksgiving as shown in "The One With All The Thanksgivings".

 Also Monica has dramatically lost weight in 1988 and Ross has started dating Carol, his first wife.

In this episode Ross doesn't pass on the phone message from Casey and she apparently never finds out. Years later he would do the same with the phone message from Bill in "The One With Rachel's Phone Number": this time she learns about it and decides to move out of his apartment.

The extra laugh after Phoebe says her first line in the coffeehouse stems from her cut line "I'm ready for my penis".

The cut line can still be heard on most Nick @ Nite reruns, however.

The bloopers for the scene when Chandler enters the coffeehouse with Phoebe reveal it took about a dozen takes to get it right.
Ross being cheap is referenced in this episode when Monica says "you're a cheapasaurus", a running gag in the series.

Although this episode aired in 1996, the end credits say©1995 Warner Bros. Television; however it was possibly produced in 1995.

This episode is/was mentioned in a recent 'real' Days of our Lives episode; specifically the 'bracelet buddies' scene. The episode originally aired on December 20th 2021.


During the prom video, Monica, Rachel, and Monica's date Roy are standing in the living room. When Roy leaves the room saying, "I'm gonna kick Chip's ass," the camera follows him out, but as it's turning the boom mic operator is visible. He's kneeling on the floor sliding the mic toward the girls.

In the scene where Mr. and Mrs. Geller are watching tennis Mrs. Geller says "Look! It's that bank commercial that always corrects you." But in the next scene the TV still shows tennis. The background TV audio changes while the TV is off camera.
When Rachel tells Ross they'll never be a couple, she goes on to state "I fell for you and got clobbered, then you fall for me and I get clobbered again". However it was established last season that Ross has been in love with Rachel for far longer than she has him.

In the video Ross trips as races up stairs to get ready to take Rachel to the prom. The shot changes to show the gang watching as Ross turns the stairs in the video but the playback is in slow motion.
When Chandler is on his knees holding the couch cushions, Joey exits his room and leaves the door open but when he turns around to return to his room, the door is closed.

Immediately after the video pans round to show younger Ross, we see the shot of current Ross turning to his left raising his right hand. Joey says "looking good, Mr. Kotter" and Ross repeats the movement.
In "The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line", Monica says that no one was allowed to hear Ross' "sound" but Ross plays the keyboard on the stairs, right by Monica, Rachel, Roy, and Mr. and Mrs. Geller.

When Chandler presents Joey with the gold bracelet in the coffee shop, Joey begins to take his coat off. In the next shot, with no time having passed, his coat is now completely off.

Immediately after the video pans round to show younger Ross, we see the shot of current Ross turning to his left raising his right hand. Joey says "looking good, Mr. Kotter" and Ross repeats the movement.
In "The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line", Monica says that no one was allowed to hear Ross' "sound" but Ross plays the keyboard on the stairs, right by Monica, Rachel, Roy, and Mr. and Mrs. Geller.

When Chandler presents Joey with the gold bracelet in the coffee shop, Joey begins to take his coat off. In the next shot, with no time having passed, his coat is now completely off.

When Phoebe and Chandler are in Central Perk, she tells him that there's a "hot babe checking him out" at 11 o' clock. The woman is actually behind Chandler, which would make it 5 o' clock. The mistake is probably because it would be 11 o'clock from the audience perspective.

Chandler expresses surprise when he learns that Monica was fat during her high school. However it's later seen that Chandler knew Monica when she was fat.