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The Country Not On World Map - New Zealand

Extreme sports extreme nature extreme people this is the story of a country

that doesn't exist on many world maps literally it's not on this map or this map or this map but what I saw in this country 

blew my mind and I think it will blow your mind this is life before COVID-19 90 a new travel series where I show you the beauty of the world before the pandemic for you to enjoy from your couch and for this week I want to show you New Zealand

it's a small country at the edge of the world literally at the edge of the world, that's why many world maps forget to include the country of New Zealand 

honestly I understand why New Zealand is very chill

it's so chill when you visit you will see people walking barefoot no shoes, no flip-flops

nothing it's completely normal and it's so chill that the news in New Zealand is incredibly boring on an average day before COVID-19 

this is what makes it to the top headline New Zealand the following news headlines are real flock of sheep stop Scotch s bad baseball pitch triggers brought police find suspicious towel on the ocean an perfectly cut lemons wash ashore in other countries

the news will stretch throughout and New Zealand the news will chill Iraq 

yes, the country may be chill, but the people are extreme use a lip balm to museum

welcome to New Zealand they have the most extreme sports I've tried in my life like jumping out of fries and jumping out of bridges in fact commercial bungee jumping started pure New Zealand but above all this country is home to extreme nature

New Zealand has more sheep than people and more green than anywhere you'll ever see 

this is exactly why the Hobbit movie was filmed here wow this is insane, and then I could that's really good

can you imagine some people get to call this home like the indigenous people of New Zealand the Maori they lived in New Zealand for thousands of years with their own culture and their own traditions that you can not find anywhere else in the world from extreme chillness to extreme sports to extreme nature New Zealand may not be on your map literally not on your map?

because it's at the bottom of the world,, but really it should be at the top of your list of places to visit when COVID-19 is over 

hey there thank you so much to see our blog, see you tomorrow